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Golf Club Staff Bags

Golf Club Staff Bags

Golf Club Staff Bags

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 03:41 PM PDT

The indispensable caddy and bag their employees, as professional golf tour around their competitive position, which comes with two very important accessories. The tour staff bag is an important part of the arsenal golfers. It easily carries the full component of fourteen clubs and has lots of pockets for golf balls, golf shoes, hats, t-shirts and other small pieces of equipment that are tour pros through their rounds. As for walking down the fairway, the caddycarries the staff bag that, loaded, can easily weigh over fifty pounds.

A golf club staff bag is rarely carried by the average golfer, but happily placed on the golf cart. The more adventurous walkers usually use a Carry Golf Bag. However, if a “hold absolutely everything” golf bag is needed, staff bags do fit nicely on the average golf cart.

Where do you get a Golf Club Staff Bag? All the major brands certainly have them in their online stores or at your friendly pro shop.

They are the preferred choices of Callaway, Cleveland, Cobra, Ping, Taylor Made, Titleist and Wilson. Wilson now offers golf bags in China, of course, very competitive prices. Staff bags are also made by manufacturers such as Mizuno and Ogio golf bag.

You can also create a personal customized bag with your name, company logo or some other significant decoration.

I use a bag is personal and a happy home for everything I have on the golf courseOf course. In addition to my full of golf clubs, there are pockets and storage areas for balls, tees, markers and my trusty remote such as golf gloves and shoes, and many other golf accessories. A large pocket in court for my rain gear, a sweater or two and there is also space for a nutrition bar, snacks and a tasty drink.

Although it is a little 'difficult by car to the clubhouse when the employee lot to the car, not weightMatter.

A small problem is that all these clubs and golf accessories, a tendency for permanent residence unless a conscious effort is made to take the time to remove the content is empty and all packaging is empty, golf gloves tore and all the other bad things that have made their home in recent months.

Since you have spent several hundred dollars on this beauty, this is also a good time to clean the bag staff. The best way to do this is to put asmall amount of detergent and water in a container. Spray the bag with a hose and then wipe with a damp cloth is too wet. Then, with a towel or old aggressive cleaning cloth for the bag. You can take your time and get rid of dirt pockets in each corner. Be more careful on all areas covered embroidered suede.

Once you have a personal golf bag is clean to your satisfaction, you are preparing for drying. This is also a good time to, literally, in its form again. Fill thePockets and storage areas of a golf bag with paper towels personal regularly. Do not overfill and make sure to close all zippers and snaps. Leave for 24 hours, indoors or in a shaded area to prevent discoloration dry. You can even leather or vinyl cleaner, but good old soap and water works fine.The next day, remove the towels and soon, almost like new.

If you can handle the weight and do not forget it needs a little 'and the power of loving attention, the staffGolf bag can be your best friend on the golf course.

