วันพุธที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Golf Club Staff Bags

Golf Club Staff Bags

Golf Club Staff Bags

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 03:41 PM PDT

The indispensable caddy and bag their employees, as professional golf tour around their competitive position, which comes with two very important accessories. The tour staff bag is an important part of the arsenal golfers. It easily carries the full component of fourteen clubs and has lots of pockets for golf balls, golf shoes, hats, t-shirts and other small pieces of equipment that are tour pros through their rounds. As for walking down the fairway, the caddycarries the staff bag that, loaded, can easily weigh over fifty pounds.

A golf club staff bag is rarely carried by the average golfer, but happily placed on the golf cart. The more adventurous walkers usually use a Carry Golf Bag. However, if a “hold absolutely everything” golf bag is needed, staff bags do fit nicely on the average golf cart.

Where do you get a Golf Club Staff Bag? All the major brands certainly have them in their online stores or at your friendly pro shop.

They are the preferred choices of Callaway, Cleveland, Cobra, Ping, Taylor Made, Titleist and Wilson. Wilson now offers golf bags in China, of course, very competitive prices. Staff bags are also made by manufacturers such as Mizuno and Ogio golf bag.

You can also create a personal customized bag with your name, company logo or some other significant decoration.

I use a bag is personal and a happy home for everything I have on the golf courseOf course. In addition to my full of golf clubs, there are pockets and storage areas for balls, tees, markers and my trusty remote such as golf gloves and shoes, and many other golf accessories. A large pocket in court for my rain gear, a sweater or two and there is also space for a nutrition bar, snacks and a tasty drink.

Although it is a little 'difficult by car to the clubhouse when the employee lot to the car, not weightMatter.

A small problem is that all these clubs and golf accessories, a tendency for permanent residence unless a conscious effort is made to take the time to remove the content is empty and all packaging is empty, golf gloves tore and all the other bad things that have made their home in recent months.

Since you have spent several hundred dollars on this beauty, this is also a good time to clean the bag staff. The best way to do this is to put asmall amount of detergent and water in a container. Spray the bag with a hose and then wipe with a damp cloth is too wet. Then, with a towel or old aggressive cleaning cloth for the bag. You can take your time and get rid of dirt pockets in each corner. Be more careful on all areas covered embroidered suede.

Once you have a personal golf bag is clean to your satisfaction, you are preparing for drying. This is also a good time to, literally, in its form again. Fill thePockets and storage areas of a golf bag with paper towels personal regularly. Do not overfill and make sure to close all zippers and snaps. Leave for 24 hours, indoors or in a shaded area to prevent discoloration dry. You can even leather or vinyl cleaner, but good old soap and water works fine.The next day, remove the towels and soon, almost like new.

If you can handle the weight and do not forget it needs a little 'and the power of loving attention, the staffGolf bag can be your best friend on the golf course.

วันอังคารที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to choose the best for your game Golf Club

How to choose the best for your game Golf Club

How to choose the best for your game Golf Club

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 07:01 AM PDT

Wilson, Callaway, Titleist, Adams, King Cobra, Yonex, Ping, Taylor Made, Mizuno, and Spaulding are all excellent products of brand golf clubs. To decide how a beginning or even a professional golfer, trying to buy the set of golf clubs, but they can often feel like a stab in the dark. In a society that is becoming increasingly aware of brand products, many of us tried it, simply buy what everyone else seems to buy. The choice of golf club is right, but somethingthat you shouldn’t do without having a good idea of what types are available and what the specific use of each club is. Using the proper golf club can and will greatly improve your game. Other important things to consider are choosing the right lie and the right shaft flex. The flexibility of the shaft of the club is known as the bend or flex. If you’re a powerful swinger, you’ll have more control with less bend. Beginners and less powerful swingers are better off with more flexibility.

If They are new to the game of golf, the first thing you need is a basic set of golf clubs. A basic set includes iron, hammers, wedges and drivers, and even though most non-golfers do not think any type of association is to improve the speed of your swing and helps you correct mistakes in your game. With the right kind of golf club is essential and the learning process faster and easier. The first thing to consider when choosing a set of golf clubs just basedSkill level. Basically there are three levels of difficulty, including: low handicaps, disabilities and handicaps medium-high.
If you have a low handicap golfer, you are usually wearing score less than ten strokes over par low handicap, at least one fairway wood and driver, and lower iron and at least 3 wedges, a pitching wedge, sand wedge and is a wedge or lob wedge approach. In the mid-handicap golfer in the 11-20 handicap range should be a7-wood or even a 9-wood to their bag. The fairway woods will be a much better control and consistency over the long irons. Mid-handicap, the 3-rod and a 9-iron and wedges itself recommended above. High-handicap or are new to the game or just not familiar with the basics and usually shoots over 100 is strongly recommended to use the high-handicap 3-wood for the tee and 7 and 9-woods. The same applies to wedgesproposed for the medium to low handicaps.
It is now generally accepted that the most important club in your golf bag, can be a hybrid. Many golfers have used this club for three-iron. Tour players are in motion to replace the club. Hybrid TaylorMade Rescue Mid control (which continues to dominate the market and is found in more bags on the tour than any other hybrid), the Nike CPR, and Ben Hogan CFT. The hybrid is a club thatthe golfer who favors the production of a good clubhead speed, but must add to the long-iron trajectory. The lower center of gravity in this club produces more shots while a short shaft to improve control and accuracy.
Drivers and woods are probably the most important clubs in the bag and everybody loves him. They are mainly used for longer shots, drivers are usually the first club from the bag on the T-shirt. Some advanced players may decide, however, is to use a driver from the fairway, they need aaway a little 'more. A fairway wood or metal is also used off the tee if you need a more accurate shot or you do not need away, as you would with a driver. This club is a club that can also be useful in bunkers and fairways are narrow in the rough to use. The most popular drivers on the market today are the Taylormade r7quad, TaylorMade r5 dual and the Ping G2.
Fairway woods are usually considered the most reliable golf club and a popular seems, becausetend to perform better than they really are. This is a club that is evolving slowly, but surely should be a place in your pocket. A fairway wood usually improves a golfer's accuracy and allows him to loft the ball higher. A few favorites include the Cobra SZ and Calloway Big Bertha.
The iron is a club that is definitely riding on the state of the art and, incredibly, is even more convenient. While this club is not perfect yet, is there, and most players shouldbe to improve playback of iron. These irons stress perimeter weighting, forgiveness and higher trajectory. The three chains, which are the most attention today, Ping G2, the Calloway Big Bertha and Calloway Big Bertha Fusion. Often the most overlooked club in the bag is the wedge. This club is a must in every golfers bag and definitely a good friend to every player that has ever been on the tour. The Cleveland CG10, the Titleist Vokey,and the Cleveland 588 are three of the best. The popularity of the wedge is evident in that Cleveland and Titleist have over 112 combined wedge options.

Finally, the putter is a club that has certainly gone high tech and some of the newer Super Mallets look like they belong in Science Fiction movies. Thankfully, though the traditional putters are still performing well and remain favorites. The Super Mallet putters getting the most attention are the Odyssey 2-ball (White Steel), the Ping Craz-E and the TaylorMade Rossa Monza G2i / Half of Monza. The old standbys of the traditional putters Ping G2i, the PING JAS, and Yes! Golf C-Groove.
Once you have a general understanding of when and why you must use a certain type of club, there are too many decisions before you actually make a purchase. Many have a driving range golf clubs for hire and there may be a good idea to try a few different clubs first realityMake your purchase. Golf clubs can be very expensive, especially the name brands like Titleist, Cleveland and Nike. If you are new to this sport, you should start with used golf clubs. If you set that to find matches, you can usually get their business.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 05:20 PM PDT

A look at the Golf Digest 2009 Hot List

Whether you're a fan of golf equipment or just a casual observer of current prices and trends in golf clubs and accessories, the 2009 Golf Digest Hot List is a buffet golf equipment. As a hybrid driver and fairway woods to irons, wedges and putters and balls and bags, oh gurus of the device in Golf Digest, which are divided in their annual ranking of popular equipment.

The process of

If youask what rate of golf equipment experts, for example, Callaway TaylorMade driver or iron, thinking Excel spreadsheets with thousands of data points, hundreds of pages of technical data from manufacturers of golf equipment, scientists, four-part criteria assessment and a two-week trip to San Jose, California location, for the field test.

The process is, in a word, to be complete. Golf Digest has examined the "universe" of items-471 golf courses, to be exact, and has taught in four weightedCriteria: 1) performance (40%), 2) innovation (30%), 3) watch / hear the sound / (20%) and 4) demand (10%).

After all the facts and data have been collected, the judge engaged in nine days of meetings, debates take the 800 to 116 including the list Hot Club. Along the way, ate a lot of takeaways.

Below is a look at this list this year.


Golf Digest, Golf driver breaks the category into two parts: the pilots of over $ 350, and drivers under$ 350. Then the two categories the winners divided into gold and silver.

Three of the gold winner in the category are about $ 350, Callaway FT-9, PING Rapture V2, TaylorMade R7 Limited e.

No one is better than Callaway using different materials, the judge said the FT-9. Players like the look, the Rapture V2 Ping and balance, which has a similar appearance to carry PING G10. TaylorMade r7 Limited is equipped with the weight of furniture and OZIKWave. Some said it was the best sensation produced by a club on the market.

Gold winners included in the under $ 350 Category Speedline Adams, Callaway Big Bertha Diablo, PING and TaylorMade Burner G10.


To improve the game, great game, and players to improve the iron: iron were divided into three categories that correspond with skill level and interests.

Winner of gold in the game-improvement category X-22 Callaway, PING G10TaylorMade Burner. One player said it could meet the X-22 Irons Callaway blindfolded. I sign, he said. Callaway X-22 resulted in the category of demand, which is an assessment of reputation, interest, intrigue and suspense. The PING G10 has long been the industry leader, and iron TaylorMade Burner really shined, in which three of the four categories of opinion: performance, innovation and look / feel / sound.

TaylorMade had to improve the gold medal in the Super Game: TheBurner Plus, get a larger clubhead and offers to help compensate for the heavier golf ball in the air.

Titleist AP2 Iron actors in the category rose up, along with TaylorMade Tour Preferred Callaway X-22 Tour Callaway X-Forged and PING S57 models, four of the six winners of the gold.


Well, there are golf courses are more important than the putter. Golf Digest has a closer look at the two main categories: blade puttersMallet putter.

Gold Winner in the category blade putter over $ 200 including the Odyssey Black Series I No. 6, TaylorMade TP Daytona KIA Titleist Cameron Studio Select and MA, which resulted in three of four criteria: performance, they feel looks / sounds / and question.

The putter blade under $ 200 category, were the first choices of the Odyssey White Hot Tour 1, two models and the PING Anser TaylorMade Daytona.

Gold winners in the category including the putter mallet Black Series The Odyssey2-Ball, iwi PING Craz-E and TaylorMade Itsy Bitsy Spider. And leading mid mallet putters were Odyssey, Titleist and Cameron MacGregor models.


Hot List Judge glanced light housings and "do" shopping bags to choose their 21 favorites. Topping the list of winners of gold and silver have been models of Callaway, Ping, TaylorMade, Titleist, Bag Boy, Nike, Ogio, Sun Mountain, Wilson and Izzo.

What tour pros play

Whatthe game's top pro tour? What follows is only a small selection.

Callaway Golf: Phil Mickelson, Ernie Els, Annika Sorenstam

TaylorMade: Kenny Perry, Sergio Garcia, Paula Creamer

PING: Angel Cabrera, Lorena Ochoa, Hunter Mahan

Titleist: Steve Stricker, Zach Johnson, Adam Scott

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Great websites where you can buy discount golf equipment

Great websites where you can buy discount golf equipment

Great websites where you can buy discount golf equipment

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 05:01 PM PDT

Although everyone wants the best brands of golf equipment out there that many people are looking for discount golf equipment. As golf enthusiasts who are reluctant to a family, an exorbitant amount of money for the best brands of equipment, spend a few companies in the golf industry have taken it upon himself to sell discount golf equipment for golfers to enjoy. Yes, premium golf equipment is available, you know where providedfor research.

Golf Discount

Golf equipment are some of the leading manufacturers of golf equipment Golf Discount in there. High quality brands such as Adidas, Adams Golf, Bite, Callaway, Etonic, Footjoy, Ping, Mizuno, Nike and are sold at discounted prices large commercial company.

Budget Golf

As the name suggests, Budget offers the best brands in golf equipment at very low prices. You can choose to take their huge selection of items such as golf balls, bags,Shoes, clothing, rangefinders, teaching materials, wagons, and even different gift items. They also offer courses in materials of excellent quality products at affordable prices.

Golf Warehouse

This is another company that golf equipment discount Primarily selling different types of golf clubs like drivers, woods, irons and wedges. There you will find well covers and trolley bags, balls, travel, clothing for men and women , men's and women's golf shoes, accessories, practice helps, ballRack and golf balls, even personalized.

Shopping for golf equipment can be fun and, above all, affordable, especially if you know where they are sold at a discounted price, can be found. When buying golf equipment and accessories, we all want the best quality products, but this does not mean you have to shell out a considerable amount of money. Can some of the best brands of equipment at affordable prices. Do your research and check out other discountsThe golf equipment companies involved.

If you can find second-hand items, make sure that the items still in good condition, and who know that the return to society and exchange policy.

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Great websites where you can buy discount golf equipment

Great websites where you can buy discount golf equipment

Great websites where you can buy discount golf equipment

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:20 AM PDT

Although everyone wants the best brands of golf equipment out there that many people are looking for discount golf equipment. As golf enthusiasts who are reluctant to a family, an exorbitant amount of money for the best brands of equipment, spend a few companies in the golf industry have taken it upon himself to sell discount golf equipment for golfers to enjoy. Yes, premium golf equipment is available, you know where providedfor research.

Golf Discount

Golf equipment are some of the leading manufacturers of golf equipment Golf Discount in there. High quality brands such as Adidas, Adams Golf, Bite, Callaway, Etonic, Footjoy, Ping, Mizuno, Nike and are sold at discounted prices large commercial company.

Budget Golf

As the name suggests, Budget offers the best brands in golf equipment at very low prices. You can choose to take their huge selection of items such as golf balls, bags,Shoes, clothing, rangefinders, teaching materials, wagons, and even different gift items. They also offer courses in materials of excellent quality products at affordable prices.

Golf Warehouse

This is another company that golf equipment discount, sold primarily various types of golf clubs like drivers, woods, irons and wedges. There you will find well covers and trolley bags, balls, travel, clothing for men and women , men's and women's golf shoes, accessories, practice helps, ballRack and golf balls, even personalized.

Shopping for golf equipment can be fun and, above all, affordable, especially if you know where they are sold at a discounted price, can be found. When buying golf equipment and accessories, we all want the best quality products, but this does not mean you have to shell out a considerable amount of money. Can some of the best brands of equipment at affordable prices. Do your research and check out other discountsThe golf equipment companies involved.

If you can find second-hand items, make sure that the items still in good condition, and who know that the return to society and exchange policy.

วันพุธที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 02:20 AM PDT

A look at the Golf Digest 2009 Hot List

Whether you're a fan of golf equipment or just a casual observer of current prices and trends in golf clubs and accessories, the 2009 Golf Digest Hot List is a buffet golf equipment. As a hybrid driver and fairway woods to irons, wedges and putters and balls and bags, oh gurus of the device in Golf Digest, which are divided in their annual ranking of popular equipment.

The process of

If youask what rate of golf equipment experts, for example, Callaway TaylorMade driver or iron, thinking Excel spreadsheets with thousands of data points, hundreds of pages of technical data from manufacturers of golf equipment, scientists, four-part criteria assessment and a two-week trip to San Jose, California location, for the field test.

The process is, in a word, to be complete. Golf Digest has examined the "universe" of items-471 golf clubs, to be exact, and has taught in four weightedCriteria: 1) performance (40%), 2) innovation (30%), 3) watch / hear the sound / (20%) and 4) demand (10%).

After all the facts and data have been collected, the judge engaged in nine days of meetings, debates take the 800 to 116 including the list Hot Club. Along the way, ate a lot of takeaways.

Below is a look at this list this year.


Golf Digest, Golf driver breaks the category into two parts: the pilots of over $ 350, and drivers under$ 350. Then the two categories the winners divided into gold and silver.

Three of the gold winner in the category are about $ 350, Callaway FT-9, PING Rapture V2, TaylorMade R7 Limited e.

No one is better than Callaway using different materials, the judge said the FT-9. Players like the look, the Rapture V2 Ping and balance, which has a similar appearance to carry PING G10. TaylorMade r7 Limited is equipped with the weight of furniture and OZIKWave. Some said it was the best sensation produced by a club on the market.

Gold winners included in the under $ 350 Category Speedline Adams, Callaway Big Bertha Diablo, PING and TaylorMade Burner G10.


To improve the game, great game, and players to improve the iron: iron were divided into three categories that correspond with skill level and interests.

Winner of gold in the game-improvement category X-22 Callaway, PING G10TaylorMade Burner. One player said it could meet the X-22 Irons Callaway blindfolded. I sign, he said. Callaway X-22 resulted in the category of demand, which is an assessment of reputation, interest, intrigue and suspense. The PING G10 has long been the industry leader, and iron TaylorMade Burner really shined, in which three of the four categories of opinion: performance, innovation and look / feel / sound.

TaylorMade had to improve the gold medal in the Super Game: TheBurner Plus, get a larger clubhead and offers to help compensate for the heavier golf ball in the air.

Titleist AP2 Iron actors in the category rose up, along with TaylorMade Tour Preferred Callaway X-22 Tour Callaway X-Forged and PING S57 models, four of the six winners of the gold.


Well, there are golf courses are more important than the putter. Golf Digest has a closer look at the two main categories: blade puttersMallet putter.

Gold Winner in the category blade putter over $ 200 including the Odyssey Black Series I No. 6, TaylorMade TP Daytona KIA Titleist Cameron Studio Select and MA, which resulted in three of four criteria: performance, they feel looks / sounds / and question.

The putter blade under $ 200 category, were the first choices of the Odyssey White Hot Tour 1, two models and the PING Anser TaylorMade Daytona.

Gold winners in the category including the putter mallet Black Series The Odyssey2-Ball, iwi PING Craz-E and TaylorMade Itsy Bitsy Spider. And leading mid mallet putters were Odyssey, Titleist and Cameron MacGregor models.


Hot List Judge glanced light housings and "do" shopping bags to choose their 21 favorites. Topping the list of winners of gold and silver have been models of Callaway, Ping, TaylorMade, Titleist, Bag Boy, Nike, Ogio, Sun Mountain, Wilson and Izzo.

What tour pros play

Whatthe game's top pro tour? What follows is only a small selection.

Callaway Golf: Phil Mickelson, Ernie Els, Annika Sorenstam

TaylorMade: Kenny Perry, Sergio Garcia, Paula Creamer

PING: Angel Cabrera, Lorena Ochoa, Hunter Mahan

Titleist: Steve Stricker, Zach Johnson, Adam Scott

วันอังคารที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Golf fitness exercises can help to drive the golf ball farther and straighter

Golf fitness exercises can help to drive the golf ball farther and straighter

Golf fitness exercises can help to drive the golf ball farther and straighter

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 01:41 AM PDT

This is probably a yearning for more every golfer on the planet. The desire, the golf ball farther and straighter drives, in order to reduce our golf scores on the golf course. One of the key golf driving straight and long is a golf fitness program. This type of training program includes exercises to improve your golf swing.

An amateur has recently been described to me an e-mail while driving the golf longer and straighter than before. Clearly Provide the reason for the improvement is directly connected to a golf fitness program which introduced combined 10 weeks.

Here's what he had to say;

"Sean, I thought I'd let you know just a note, I'm still enjoying Bioforce training exercises, and are closer to the goals I set 10 weeks.

I continue to monitor my training and are encouraged by the progress I see, not only on paper, but also with my swing. As a reward for my efforts and progress, I bought a new> Ping Tour Wedge. Why a wedge?

Because I can already see more and hit my drives straighter –

This is, of course, gives me more distance and a lot of fun.

And I'm much more consistent with my steps and chips.

It seemed like a good wedge that will give me constant distance and allows for different types of shots, trying to expand my skills as a just reward.
The only thing I'm not sure, "I push myselfenough? Please take a look at my training and advice the best plan for me to achieve my goals.

I know that I did not get to some of the exercises, as claimed by some as I should, and the result is no progress in this.

For my initial goals I have to walk for five weeks, when I saw this in mid-May is the date that I lost the next place. "


Colin, let me congratulate you on your progress, determination and the results are obvious. And 'because of your hard workand dedication to improve your golf fitness program golf game.

I always liked to say: "I have the easy part is, all I have to do, learn, and the hard part is over after this, what you teach." I tip my hat to you.

Prior to "push yourself" to answer your question, I'd take note of your goals. The goal is very important. Phil and I know that almost every athlete I work with the targets set. On the one hand, allows you to measure yourself andto see how they progress.

I think that all amateur golfers do this at some point. Are not we all try to reduce our handicap, more birdies and an overall improvement of our golf game? The answer is yes, and to a certain level, we have set targets to measure our progress. In addition, the objectives have another advantage.

It offers a "brand" to achieve, keeps you focused and provides a sense of accomplishment, if fulfilled. We as golfers often set targets to reduce our handicap to single digits, along the GulfBall 280 yards and three putts. To answer these are all "brands" We are looking for, and these "brands" are essentially goals.

Once goals are set, a plan in place to be set up to achieve these objectives. For example, if the desire is to reduce your handicap to single digits, a part of the plan to practice in the area three times a week. On the other hand, if the goal is a 20 meters for the units, which is part of the plan, the implementation of a golf fitness programIt increases flexibility, strength, endurance and strength.

I would also say that sometimes the goals are not achieved, and that's okay. If a target is not reached, it offers a point of the adjustments reflected in our current program and set new goals.

In addition, Colin is a great place to do it, how much should "go" to the exercises. We are all probably aware that in order to improve in all activities, including golf swing, we put out a stump. What does it cost a lotimportant, and this is of utmost importance in relation to golf fitness exercises.

Let me say that is a very fine line between the right amount of effort and hard work too. Stress too can lead to poor exercise technique and possible damage. Little effort to limit the benefits received by the golf fitness program.

A term that is available as a guide for the appropriate amount of effort on each exercise: "Perform each exercise at your levelTolerance. "
In essence this means each year, you must run, with the agreement;

1) proper technique

2) the number of repetitions in which you turn to maintain the correct exercise technique.

This requires that you "push yourself", but also maintain awareness of your physical technique. For example, the suitability of the site golf operation is true if we set in the correct position, the position should "hold" for the timeYou can fail your technique.
This guide can be followed for almost every golf exercise fitness. Another golf fitness exercise, the knife should be run for as many repetitions with the right technique. If you find your technique to waver from this is the point where you stop.

In summary we can say that we know, a golf fitness program can help a golfer drive the golf ball longer and straight. Units longer than in the wider and straighter is a goal. InIn order to achieve a goal in the game of golf, a plan must be implemented. The plan may golf fitness exercises as part of steps for us, this can be achieved. Also, if a golf fitness exercise the correct amount of speaking must be exercised, but no effort to be overcome. Following the guideline "perform every golf fitness exercise to your level of tolerance" will help this work fine line.

Best hybrid golf club

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 11:40 PM PDT

The best hybrid golf clubs in History

Hybrid golf clubs maximize the performance of a wood with a collection of iron. Golf historians claim that Gary McCord suggested (former professional golfer and analyst) the idea of ​​"hybrid" TaylorMade in 2002. TaylorMade responded with the "club rescue".

What is a hybrid golf club?

The best hybrid golf clubs are also known as "utility" clubs that meet on a combination of all uses of the club, not in those of other clubs.

HybridThe technology has the "moment of inertia" (MOI) and "center of gravity" (COG) aligned for optimal effect. The best hybrid golf clubs have lowered the center of gravity with the largest clubhead and added, the greater the face "angle" iron, turn the ball quicker. The fund has "runners" or "track" their way through rough terrain.

Recreational golfers believe that the hybrid is easier to use, compact, with heads of stress "forgiveness" on the swing.

Professional golfers mayshorter hybrids fuck for better control and accuracy. The best hybrid golf clubs are cutting wind conditions with praised a more effective "punches."

Hybrid golf clubs are divided into categories of high performance irons and flat faces. Some companies have developed powerful these hybrids as "pitching wedge", with more loft to be a difficult market.

Best hybrid golf club reviews several commendable

Adams A2 OS The ideai-Wood Hybrid Series includes 2, 3 and 4 models-Wood 17, 19 and 23 degrees loft angle; 41.25, 40.5 and 39.753, and the length 58, 59 and 60 degrees lie angle. These hybrids weigh 75 grams and are set for a lower COG, higher MOI and trajectory determination.

The Callaway FT Fusion Hybrid series includes 2H, 3H, 4H and 5H-types 18, 21, 24 and 27 degrees of loft angle, 40.75, 40.25, 39.75 and 39.25 "length and 58.5 , 59, 59, 5 and 60 degrees of angle are these hybrids. 69 grams, 71 or 73-weightedhave "tungsten-infused sole". This hybrid is one of the most popular because of its "feel" and the flight path.

The Nickent 4DX Ironwood Hybrid series includes a number of models of 14, 15.5, 17, 18.5, 20, 21.5, 23, 24.5, 26 and 29 degrees of loft angle, 41.25, 40.75, 40, 39.25, 38.5 and 38.53 in length and 59, 59, 59, 59.5, 59.5, 60, 60, 60.5, 60.5 and 61 degrees lie angle. This hybrid provides increased MOI and a "flat trajectory."

The Ping G10 Hybrid Series includes models with 15,18, 21, 24, 28 and 32 degrees of loft angle, 41, 40.5, 40, 39.5, 39 and 58 in length and 38.53, 58.75, 59.5, 60.25, 61.75 and 61 can lie angle. These hybrids are designed for "multi-headed" and a "higher launch" known.

The TaylorMade R7 CGB Max Burner Rescue Hybrid series includes models 19, 22 and 25 degrees of loft angle, 40, 39.5 and 393 in length and 60.5, 61.5 and 61 degrees angle of lie. This hybrid is "heavy rotation", a flat surface with "throwing up" and.

Experience the sensation of golfAssociation. Find a good hybrid for improving your game.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Best hybrid golf club

Best hybrid golf club

Best hybrid golf club

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 10:20 PM PDT

The best hybrid golf clubs in History

Hybrid golf clubs maximize the performance of a wood with a collection of iron. Golf historians claim that Gary McCord suggested (former professional golfer and analyst) the idea of ​​"hybrid" TaylorMade in 2002. TaylorMade responded with the "club rescue".

What is a hybrid golf club?

The best hybrid golf clubs are also known as "utility" clubs that meet on a combination of all uses of the club, not in those of other clubs.

HybridThe technology has the "moment of inertia" (MOI) and "center of gravity" (COG) aligned for optimal effect. The best hybrid golf clubs have lowered the center of gravity with the largest clubhead and added, the greater the face "angle" iron, turn the ball quicker. The fund has "runners" or "track" their way through rough terrain.

Recreational golfers believe that the hybrid is easier to use, compact, with heads of stress "forgiveness" on the swing.

Professional golfers mayshorter hybrids fuck for better control and accuracy. The best hybrid golf clubs are cutting wind conditions with praised a more effective "punches."

Hybrid golf clubs are divided into categories of high performance irons and flat faces. Some companies have developed powerful these hybrids as "pitching wedge", with more loft to be a difficult market.

Best hybrid golf club reviews several commendable

Adams A2 OS The ideai-Wood Hybrid Series includes 2, 3 and 4 models-Wood 17, 19 and 23 degrees loft angle; 41.25, 40.5 and 39.753, and the length 58, 59 and 60 degrees lie angle. These hybrids weigh 75 grams and are set for a lower COG, higher MOI and trajectory determination.

The Callaway FT Fusion Hybrid series includes 2H, 3H, 4H and 5H-types 18, 21, 24 and 27 degrees of loft angle, 40.75, 40.25, 39.75 and 39.25 "length and 58.5 , 59, 59, 5 and 60 degrees of angle are these hybrids. 69 grams, 71 or 73-weightedhave "tungsten-infused sole". This hybrid is one of the most popular because of its "feel" and the flight path.

The Nickent 4DX Ironwood Hybrid series includes a number of models of 14, 15.5, 17, 18.5, 20, 21.5, 23, 24.5, 26 and 29 degrees of loft angle, 41.25, 40.75, 40, 39.25, 38.5 and 38.53 in length and 59, 59, 59, 59.5, 59.5, 60, 60, 60.5, 60.5 and 61 degrees lie angle. This hybrid provides increased MOI and a "flat trajectory."

The Ping G10 Hybrid Series includes models with 15,18, 21, 24, 28 and 32 degrees of loft angle, 41, 40.5, 40, 39.5, 39 and 58 in length and 38.53, 58.75, 59.5, 60.25, 61.75 and 61 can lie angle. These hybrids are designed for "multi-headed" and a "higher launch" known.

The TaylorMade R7 CGB Max Burner Rescue Hybrid series includes models 19, 22 and 25 degrees of loft angle, 40, 39.5 and 393 in length and 60.5, 61.5 and 61 degrees angle of lie. This hybrid is "heavy rotation", a flat surface with "throwing up" and.

Experience the sensation of golfAssociation. Find a good hybrid for improving your game.

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Golf Tips for Beginners – buying the right golf clubs

Golf Tips for Beginners – buying the right golf clubs

Golf Tips for Beginners – buying the right golf clubs

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 09:22 PM PDT

One of the best golf tips for beginners is to ensure you are purchasing the correct golf clubs. On day of every golfer, the choice of golf clubs is a huge task. There are all those ads that suggest that they are the best brand or company in the market.

The question is: they are the golf club is right for you?

If you go to a golf shop, can be a little 'intimidating. Everywhere you look there are different types of golf clubs, golf balls,Clothing and other accessories.

It 's almost like a kid in a toy store.

The first thing you must understand is, what types of golf clubs are available and what they do. Now this may sound silly, but many beginners know, the difference in the clubs.

4 basic types of golf clubs

There's Woods, (it does not really wood, from an earlier date), irons, wedges and putter. There are variations of each, and you need to know whatare best for you. The hybrid (a cross between a wood and an iron) is another variant that has emerged in recent years, which has become very popular.

There is also the type of wave to review the material. You can choose between steel or graphite. There are several variations to determine the stiffness of each type of wave and swing speed, which is better.

As a beginner, you can choose to start with a set of golf clubs used. This is not a bad choice. It is not necessaryspend thousands of dollars at the beginning. You want your swing before the next step to develop the purchase of a new series.

Changes in technology

Golf-club technology and design are changing at regular intervals. To get an idea of ​​the game is more important than a brand new set of golf clubs in hand.

If you wanted to buy a kit used, be careful to ensure that there is no mistake with the clubs. You can usually find a good used kit at your localGolf store or on Craigslist. Take a friend with you who has more knowledge about the game. You should be able to detect if there are problems.

Built in custom account

There is another option you might consider. Depending on your budget, you may consider purchasing a custom set of clubs. It seems expensive, but there are some good companies such as, Hirek golf, custom tracks for less than what you can buy a set of brand.

A completeCould be set by companies like Ping, Taylor Made or Callaway costs a thousand dollars or more. The same set of Hirek you can for less than half that price will be built. The quality is there, just do not spend ridiculous amounts on advertising.

No matter how you chose to be at the time of the first set of golf clubs, ensures that the cavity of iron can be protected. This is the forgiveness of the design and allows you to hit more solid shots.

Best hybrid golf club

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 06:20 PM PDT

The best hybrid golf clubs in History

Hybrid golf clubs maximize the performance of a wood with a collection of iron. Golf historians claim that Gary McCord suggested (former professional golfer and analyst) the idea of ​​"hybrid" TaylorMade in 2002. TaylorMade responded with the "club rescue".

What is a hybrid golf club?

The best hybrid golf clubs are also known as "utility" clubs that meet on a combination of all uses of the club, not in those of other clubs.

HybridThe technology has the "moment of inertia" (MOI) and "center of gravity" (COG) aligned for optimal effect. The best hybrid golf clubs have lowered the center of gravity with the largest clubhead and added, the greater the face "angle" iron, turn the ball quicker. The fund has "runners" or "track" their way through rough terrain.

Recreational golfers believe that the hybrid is easier to use, compact, with heads of stress "forgiveness" on the swing.

Professional golfers mayshorter hybrids fuck for better control and accuracy. The best hybrid golf clubs are cutting wind conditions with praised a more effective "punches."

Hybrid golf clubs are divided into categories of high performance irons and flat faces. Some companies have developed powerful these hybrids as "pitching wedge", with more loft to be a difficult market.

Best hybrid golf club reviews several commendable

Adams A2 OS The ideai-Wood Hybrid Series includes 2, 3 and 4 models-Wood 17, 19 and 23 degrees loft angle; 41.25, 40.5 and 39.753, and the length 58, 59 and 60 degrees lie angle. These hybrids weigh 75 grams and are set for a lower COG, higher MOI and trajectory determination.

The Callaway FT Fusion Hybrid series includes 2H, 3H, 4H and 5H-types 18, 21, 24 and 27 degrees of loft angle, 40.75, 40.25, 39.75 and 39.25 "length and 58.5 , 59, 59, 5 and 60 degrees of angle are these hybrids. 69 grams, 71 or 73-weightedhave "tungsten-infused sole". This hybrid is one of the most popular because of its "feel" and the flight path.

The Nickent 4DX Ironwood Hybrid series includes a number of models of 14, 15.5, 17, 18.5, 20, 21.5, 23, 24.5, 26 and 29 degrees of loft angle, 41.25, 40.75, 40, 39.25, 38.5 and 38.53 in length and 59, 59, 59, 59.5, 59.5, 60, 60, 60.5, 60.5 and 61 degrees lie angle. This hybrid provides increased MOI and a "flat trajectory."

The Ping G10 Hybrid Series includes models with 15,18, 21, 24, 28 and 32 degrees of loft angle, 41, 40.5, 40, 39.5, 39 and 58 in length and 38.53, 58.75, 59.5, 60.25, 61.75 and 61 can lie angle. These hybrids are designed for "multi-headed" and a "higher launch" known.

The TaylorMade R7 CGB Max Burner Rescue Hybrid series includes models 19, 22 and 25 degrees of loft angle, 40, 39.5 and 393 in length and 60.5, 61.5 and 61 degrees angle of lie. This hybrid is "heavy rotation", a flat surface with "throwing up" and.

Experience the sensation of golfAssociation. Find a good hybrid for improving your game.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Ping Tour Wedge boot-S

Ping Tour Wedge boot-S

Ping Tour Wedge boot-S

Posted: 17 Aug 2011 06:01 PM PDT

When The R & A have announced that they were to implement a restriction on the size and sharpness of the grooves placed more emphasis on precision over power, manufacturers have found has been asked to venture a step into the unknown. Predicting the impact of the rule of market trends both before and after the reaction was virtually impossible.

So while some customers have asked the manufacturers to deal with fast-moving wedge, ping is the approach 's introductionTheir new, just run as soon as possible, so here are-Ping 's new tour-D wedges.

Since the new rule was announced, Ping engineers have pointed out that there is more performance than just spinning wedge. In fact, the grooves in their draft previously popular, the Tour-W, not to the borders of the ancient walls . So, while some manufacturers have stressed the benefits of the spin, ping worked hard to balance thesewith other crucial features of emotion, workability and forgiveness.

Ping says, this means that the drop-off in the amount of rotation between the old and the new WS-Tour Tour wedges are not as pronounced as with some other popular designs. In addition, the machined surface of the new model accurately and consistently to generate spin for better control overall distance.

The other important point is to talk about the breathtaking New Rustic finish.This time course is designed for overtime, has a textured surface that has always proved popular with the lower handicap. For End Cottage has attracted much attention from all corners of the seat Golf Monthly, when he arrived!

Interestingly, Ping also announced that it will relaunch the legendary Eye 2 sand wedge. NewXC perimeter weighting version is the extreme and classic design that made ​​the old eye2> Cuneo so popular. I am of course a full report as soon as possible.

วันพุธที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Golf Digest Hot List 2009 Review Winners

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 03:40 PM PDT

A look at the Golf Digest 2009 Hot List

Whether you're a fan of golf equipment or just a casual observer of current prices and trends in golf clubs and accessories, the 2009 Golf Digest Hot List is a buffet golf equipment. As a hybrid driver and fairway woods to irons, wedges and putters and balls and bags, oh gurus of the device in Golf Digest, which are divided in their annual ranking of popular equipment.

The process of

If youask what rate of golf equipment experts, for example, Callaway TaylorMade driver or iron, thinking Excel spreadsheets with thousands of data points, hundreds of pages of technical data from manufacturers of golf equipment, scientists, four-part criteria assessment and a two-week trip to San Jose, California location, for the field test.

The process is, in a word, to be complete. Golf Digest has examined the "universe" of items-471 golf clubs, to be exact, and has taught in four weightedCriteria: 1) performance (40%), 2) innovation (30%), 3) watch / hear the sound / (20%) and 4) demand (10%).

After all the facts and data have been collected, the judge engaged in nine days of meetings, debates take the 800 to 116 including the list Hot Club. Along the way, ate a lot of takeaways.

Below is a look at this list this year.


Golf Digest, Golf driver breaks the category into two parts: the pilots of over $ 350, and drivers under$ 350. Then the two categories the winners divided into gold and silver.

Three of the gold winners in the category over $ 350, Callaway FT-9, PING Rapture V2 TaylorMade r7 Limited and.

No one is better than Callaway using different materials, the judge said the FT-9. Players may wear the appearance, balance, and the PING Rapture V2, which looks similar to the PING G10. TaylorMade r7 Limited is the moving weights and has a OZIKWave. Some said it was the best sensation produced by a club on the market.

Gold winners included in the under $ 350 Category Speedline Adams, Callaway Big Bertha Diablo, PING and TaylorMade Burner G10.


To improve the game, great game, and players to improve the iron: iron were divided into three categories that correspond with skill level and interests.

Winner of gold in the game-improvement category X-22 Callaway, PING G10TaylorMade Burner. One player said it could meet the X-22 Irons Callaway blindfolded. I sign, he said. Callaway X-22 resulted in the category of demand, which is an assessment of reputation, interest, intrigue and suspense. The PING G10 has long been the industry leader, and iron TaylorMade Burner really shined, in which three of the four categories of opinion: performance, innovation and look / feel / sound.

TaylorMade had to improve the gold medal in the Super Game: TheBurner Plus, get a larger clubhead and offers to help compensate for the heavier golf ball in the air.

Titleist AP2 Iron actors in the category rose up, along with TaylorMade Tour Preferred Callaway X-22 Tour Callaway X-Forged and PING S57 models, four of the six winners of the gold.


Well, there are golf courses are more important than the putter. Golf Digest has a closer look at the two main categories: blade puttersMallet putter.

Gold Winner in the category blade putter over $ 200 including the Odyssey Black Series I No. 6, TaylorMade TP Daytona KIA Titleist Cameron Studio Select and MA, which resulted in three of four criteria: performance, they feel looks / sounds / and question.

The putter blade under $ 200 category, were the first choices of the Odyssey White Hot Tour 1, two models and the PING Anser TaylorMade Daytona.

Gold winners in the category including the putter mallet Black Series The Odyssey2-Ball, iwi PING Craz-E and TaylorMade Itsy Bitsy Spider. And leading mid mallet putters were Odyssey, Titleist and Cameron MacGregor models.


Hot List Judge glanced light housings and "do" shopping bags to choose their 21 favorites. Topping the list of winners of gold and silver have been models of Callaway, Ping, TaylorMade, Titleist, Bag Boy, Nike, Ogio, Sun Mountain, Wilson and Izzo.

What tour pros play

Whatthe game's top pro tour? What follows is only a small selection.

Callaway Golf: Phil Mickelson, Ernie Els, Annika Sorenstam

TaylorMade: Kenny Perry, Sergio Garcia, Paula Creamer

PING: Angel Cabrera, Lorena Ochoa, Hunter Mahan

Titleist: Steve Stricker, Zach Johnson, Adam Scott

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Ping Tour Wedge boot-S

Ping Tour Wedge boot-S

Ping Tour Wedge boot-S

Posted: 15 Aug 2011 01:00 PM PDT

When The R & A have announced that they were to implement a restriction on the size and sharpness of the grooves placed more emphasis on precision power, has asked the manufacturers to venture a step into the unknown. Predicting the impact of the rule of market trends both before and after the reaction was virtually impossible.

So while some customers have asked the manufacturers to deal with fast-moving wedge, ping is the approach 's introductionTheir new, just run as soon as possible, so here are-Ping 's new tour-D wedges.

Since the new rule was announced, Ping engineers have pointed out that there is more performance than just spinning wedge. In fact, the grooves in their draft previously popular, the Tour-W, not to the borders of the ancient walls . So, while some manufacturers have stressed the benefits of the spin, ping worked hard to balance thesewith other crucial features of emotion, workability and forgiveness.

Ping says, this means that the drop-off in the amount of rotation between the old and the new WS-Tour Tour wedges are not as pronounced as with some other popular designs. In addition, the machined surface of the new model accurately and consistently to generate spin for better control overall distance.

The other important point is to talk about the breathtaking New Rustic finish.This time course is designed for overtime, has a textured surface that has always proved popular with the lower handicap. Rustic finish for a lot of attention has shifted from all corners of the seat Golf Monthly, when he arrived!

Interestingly, Ping also announced that it will relaunch the legendary Eye 2 sand wedge. NewXC perimeter weighting version is the extreme and classic design that made ​​the old eye2> Cuneo so popular. I am of course a full report as soon as possible.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to choose the best for your game Golf Club

How to choose the best for your game Golf Club

How to choose the best for your game Golf Club

Posted: 14 Aug 2011 10:01 AM PDT

Wilson, Callaway, Titleist, Adams, King Cobra, Yonex, Ping, Taylor Made, Mizuno, and Spaulding are all excellent products of brand golf clubs. To decide how a beginning or even a professional golfer, trying to buy the set of golf clubs, but they can often feel like a stab in the dark. In a society that is becoming increasingly aware of brand products, many of us tried it, simply buy what everyone else seems to buy. The choice of golf club is right, but somethingthat you should not, without a good idea, what kind and what is the specific use of each club to do. With the right golf clubs and can greatly improve your game. Other important things to consider are choosing the correct shaft flex and the right is the flexibility of the shaft of the club to bend or flex known. If you're a swinger powerful, you have more control with less bend. Beginners and less powerful swingers are better off with more flexibility.
IfThey are new to the game of golf, the first thing you need is a basic set of golf clubs. A basic set includes iron, hammers, wedges and drivers, and even though most non-golfers do not think any type of association is to improve the speed of your swing and helps you correct mistakes in your game. With the right kind of golf club is essential and the learning process faster and easier. The first thing to consider when choosing a set of golf clubs just basedSkill level. Basically there are three levels of difficulty, including: low handicaps, disabilities and handicaps medium-high.
If you have a low handicap golfer, you are usually wearing score less than ten strokes over par low handicap, at least one fairway wood and driver, and lower iron and at least 3 wedges, a pitching wedge, sand wedge and is a wedge or lob wedge approach. In the mid-handicap golfer in the 11-20 handicap range should be a7-wood or even a 9-wood to their bag. The fairway woods will be a much better control and consistency over the long irons. Mid-handicap, the 3-rod and a 9-iron and wedges itself recommended above. High-handicap or are new to the game or just not familiar with the basics and usually shoots over 100 is strongly recommended to use the high-handicap 3-wood for the tee and 7 and 9-woods. The same applies to wedgesproposed for the medium to low handicaps.
It is now generally accepted that the most important club in your golf bag, can be a hybrid. Many golfers have used this club for three-iron. Tour players are in motion to replace the club. Hybrid TaylorMade Rescue Mid control (which continues to dominate the market and is found in more bags on the tour than any other hybrid), the Nike CPR, and Ben Hogan CFT. The hybrid is a club thatthe golfer who favors the production of a good clubhead speed, but must add to the long-iron trajectory. The lower center of gravity in this club produces more shots while a short shaft to improve control and accuracy.
Drivers and woods are probably the most important clubs in the bag and everybody loves him. They are mainly used for longer shots, drivers are usually the first club from the bag on the T-shirt. Some advanced players may decide, however, is to use a driver from the fairway, they need aaway a little 'more. A fairway wood or metal is also used off the tee if you need a more accurate shot or you do not need away, as you would with a driver. This club is a club that can also be useful in bunkers and fairways are narrow in the rough to use. The most popular drivers on the market today are the Taylormade r7quad, TaylorMade r5 dual and the Ping G2.
Fairway woods are usually considered the most reliable golf club and a popular seems, becausetend to perform better than they really are. This is a club that is evolving slowly, but surely should be a place in your pocket. A fairway wood usually improves a golfer's accuracy and allows him to loft the ball higher. A few favorites include the Cobra SZ and Calloway Big Bertha.
The iron is a club that is definitely riding on the state of the art and, incredibly, is even more convenient. While this club is not perfect yet, is there, and most players shouldbe to improve playback of iron. These irons stress perimeter weighting, forgiveness and higher trajectory. The three chains, which are the most attention today, Ping G2, the Calloway Big Bertha and Calloway Big Bertha Fusion. Often the most overlooked club in the bag is the wedge. This club is a must in every golfers bag and definitely a good friend to every player that has ever been on the tour. The Cleveland CG10, the Titleist Vokey,and the Cleveland 588 are three of the best. The popularity of the wedge is evident that combines in Cleveland and Titleist have over 112 options wedge.
Finally, the putter is a club that looks high-tech and certainly some of the newer Super Mallets, as they went in the science fiction film. Fortunately, even though the traditional putters are still well and remain favorites. The Super Mallet putters are the more attention Odyssey 2-Ball (WhiteSteel), the Ping Craz-E and the TaylorMade Rossa Monza G2i / Half of Monza. The old standbys of the traditional putters Ping G2i, the PING JAS, and Yes! Golf C-Groove.
Once you have a general understanding of when and why you must use a certain type of club, there are too many decisions before you actually make a purchase. Many have a driving range golf clubs for hire and there may be a good idea to try a few different clubs first realityMake your purchase. Golf clubs can be very expensive, especially the name brands like Titleist, Cleveland and Nike. If you are new to this sport, you should start with used golf clubs. If you set that to find matches, you can usually get their business.