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Golf fitness exercises can help you, the golf ball further and straighter

Golf fitness exercises can help you, the golf ball further and straighter

Golf fitness exercises can help you, the golf ball further and straighter

Posted: 01 Mar 2011 12:40 PM PST

This is probably an ardent desire of every golfer on the planet more. The desire, the golf ball farther and straighter drives, in order to lower our golf scores on the golf course. One of the keys to drive the straight and longer golf is a golf fitness program. This type of training program includes exercises to improve your golf swing.

An amateur I described a recent e-mail, as well as golf longer and straighter than ever before driving. He clearly states the reason for the improvement is directly connected to a golf fitness program has joined carried out before 10 weeks.

Here's what he had to say;

"Sean, I thought I'd drop a note to let you know that I'm still enjoying training exercises Bioforce and I'm getting closer to the objectives set earlier than 10 weeks.

I still track my workouts, and are encouraged by the progress that I see not only the game, but even with my swing. As a reward for my efforts and progress, I bought a new Pingwedge> excursions. Why a wedge?

Because I can see, I am of my drives consistently meets much more straight –

This obviously gives me more distance and a lot of fun.

And I'm much more consistent with my pitches and chips.

So, this wedge is well and give the distance line allows me to try different types of shots to expand my skills seemed a right to reward that.
The only thing I'm not sure "I'm pushing enough?Could you please take a look at my training and advice for the best program for me to achieve my goals.

So I do not hold to some of the exercises as a side as if I had pushed, the result of the lack of progress with this.

For my original goals I have five weeks to go, if I miss this in mid-May, the next time I set. "


Colin, first let me congratulate you on your progress, determination and the results are seen. And 'because all your hard work andcommitment to improve golf fitness programs to your golf game.

I always say: "I have the easy part is, everything I do, teach, and the hard part is following what I teach." I take my hat off to you.

Before going to "himself" push "to answer your question, I make a note of your goal. The goal is very important. I know that Phil and nearly every athlete I work with these objectives. On the one hand, it allows you to measure yourself and seehow to develop it further.

I think all amateur golfers do this at some point. We are not all the disadvantages of trying out our low, make more birdies and an overall improvement of our game of golf? The answer is yes, and somehow we have set targets to measure our progress. In addition, the objectives have another advantage.

It offers a "brand" to get, keep you focused and provides a sense of contentment, if fulfilled. We as golfers often set targets to reduce our handicap to single digits, driving the golf ball280 meters, or any three putts. These are all "marks" Let us meet, and these "marks" are essentially goals.

Once objectives are set in place a plan, you must take to achieve these goals. For example, if the desire to lower your handicap to single digits, a part of the plan to practice in the area three times a week. On the other hand, if the destination is an additional 20 yards on your drive, a part of the plan to implement a golf fitness programIt increases flexibility, strength, endurance and strength.

I would also say that sometimes the goals are not met, and that's fine. If a target is not achieved, it provides a point to ponder, and adjustments to share our current program and new goals.

In addition, Colin will bring an excellent point, as it should "go" on the exercises. We are all aware that improvement in all activities, including golf swing, we have reached an effort. Howimportant, and this is the most important in relation to golf fitness exercises.

Let me say that is a very fine line between the right amount of effort and too much effort. Too much effort technique can lead to poor exercise, and a possible injury. receive too little effort limits the benefits of your golf fitness program.

A term I use as a guideline for the appropriate amount of effort every year, "Perform each exercise to your level ofTolerance. "
In essence, they were racing each exercise should be done;

1) The right technique

performed for 2) the number of repetitions that you can maintain proper technique training.

This requires that you "push yourself", but also maintain awareness of your exercise equipment. For example, the page golf training fitness holds, once you're seated, you should "hold" position for the periodYou can be up to the enhanced technology.
This policy may be followed for almost every golf exercise fitness. Another golf fitness exercise, it should be for the jackknife performed as many repetitions with proper technique. If you find your technique begins to falter is the point where you stop.

To sum up, you know, a golf fitness program can no longer sustain a player driving a golf ball straight. In the longer and straighter drives is a primary goal. InIn order to achieve a goal in the game of golf, a plan must be promulgated. The plan may include golf fitness exercises as part of steps for us to achieve this goal. In addition to practice, if we are to be made on all golf fitness the right amount of effort, but can not be exceeded. Following the guideline "make every golf fitness exercise to your personal level of tolerance" will help this effort Finish Line.

