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The history of the Golf Club

The history of the Golf Club

The history of the Golf Club

Posted: 10 Feb 2011 04:00 PM PST

The modern game of golf as we know it in Scotland in the 12th Century. The exact location was the present site of the Old Course at St Andrews. It was recorded that the shepherds were found to break stones for a course of rabbit holes. Often, players carved their own clubs and golf balls wooden old style bags.

Verweis auf einen der erste Satz Golfschläger wurden diese speziell für König von James VI of Scotland durch ein Bogenmacher namens William gemachtMayne. Mayne was hired to take the first set of clubs found in 1603. Although made in relation to these clubs, there are clubs in this period.

The first teams were known discovered in a house in Hull, along with a newspaper from the 1741st In the Royal Museum of Ancient Club, there are copies of old clubs, including two sticks and a significant reaction Cleek. The Cleek was in the latter half of the 18th Century by a producer of club named Simone Cossu Leith madeand was a head with an iron on a wooden tree.

For the next hundred years, were the top players for the game so that they would fashion their own clubs and balls made of wood. The clubs are ash or hazel to the waves and the heads of harder wood such as beech, pear, apple, and Holly have been made. Just like today, a number of clubs in a single batch was used:

· Longnose – used for food
· Bulgers – has a bulbous head similar to the wood today
· Fairway Club -for the Middle-shooting
· Spoon – shooting short-range used
· Niblick – similar wedge we have today
· Cleek – used to run.

Things would remain similar to 19 first century, when Robert Forgan of Scotland in 1826, has changed the way golf clubs are. Forgan of golf clubs were made using American hickory on the waves instead of the traditional ash or hazel fashion. Soon Forgan's Golf Club has been very popular and set theStandard for future decision-makers.

In 1848, the Rev. Adam Pearson was the inventor of the gutta percha golf ball. Not only the gutta-percha ball better than "pen" was, was to make it cheaper. With the popularity of the gutta percha ball came the requirements for a new generation of golf club, which refers to the increased exposure to this new type of golf ball was able to cope. The result of this new generation of golf clubs is similar to the set of forests in most modern game todayGolf.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, America began to golf club manufacturer and export in large quantities. such obsolete material were Hickory hardwoods such as beech, or American persimmon golf clubs used to be replaced. During this time, a growing demand for hand-forged metal club heads and in 1902 appeared the first groove irons face. This new golf club, a greater amount of backspin on offer, compared to the heads of wooden clubs.

AsManufacturing Technology has developed the technique of forging club has become more sophisticated. Now the factories could produce iron in the figures was more popular than golf to the masses. Aluminum was not used for the first time during the same period, instead of hand-forged method of the last century.

The Prince of Wales who can create the next big change in the history of golf. steel shafts had experienced from the late nineteenth century, but little is gainedAcceptance. Then in 1929 the Prince of Wales began with a golf club shaft made of steel, its specification. E 'was spotted on a number of these golf club in St. Andrews. It soon became very popular with players outside the royal circle.

Shortly thereafter, the Haskell ball was in the U.S. and steel shafts completely replaced walnut tree. This is also the time when many changes and substitutions were made in order to facilitate the tree. With this innovation,Club would finally start closer to those we see today. The U.S. Open was the first big tournament for this new type of golf club function.

Together with the improvement of the waves came the introduction of numbers rather than names, associations. club had become numerous and good, as the names that have been applied to them has been completed. In addition, companies were able to modify the specifications and the inflection point that allows Merchandising matched sets rather than productionas individual clubs. Former golfer looking for a new club with a frame of the club went in search of one with the 'right feeling' then tried to find other clubs with the same feeling. The possibilities for merchandising and set the matching of numbers was the top club in 1938 and led the USGA limits the number of clubs a player per round could lead to 14.

The 1960s saw a major breakthrough putter by a man named Karsten Solheim, a mechanical engineer, General Electric. Hisputter in the first place, 1A, was carried out in his garage after his frustration with his plan to put the club. The putter has not only improved its implementation, but it was the source for the name of the putter and the company later. As he stroked putt after putt with a putter radical looking, rang out – PINNGGG. Karsten persistence has led to new projects, including the Anser putter in 1966, which proved most successful in the history of putter design. The company is accredited PINGwith one of the oldest golf company committed to improving the golf putter.

Of course, today's technology is also the story of the golf club of the moment. Innovations such as graphite shafts, titanium heads, adjustable weight distribution, reducing peripheral weighting twist when the club contacts the ball is just slightly off center. Putters are the only ones mallet, weighted and divided peripheral blade designs. The latest design technology integrated putterInput capacity and the simple practice / game convertibility features.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring golf club design!

